4 movements:
I Introduction & allgegro: Andante misterioso - Allegro
II Adagio
III Scherzando
IV Finale: Allegro fanfare
Treble, bass
4/4, 2/4, 6/8, 4/8, 7/8, 5/8, ¢, 3/4
Key signatures
Horn 1: G - eb3
Horn 2: f - c3
Horn 3: f - c3
Horn 4: F - db2
Creator's Comments
Performance Notes
Quartet no.4 was written in 1996 for the American Horn Quartet, to yet again display their individual and ensemble virtuosity. This quartet goes further than the ones before in terms of technical challenged, with fast tempi, quick hand stopping, extended range (especially up on top) for the first three parts, semi-stopping, tapping on the bell, extended glissandi, double stopping (and not easy one), extended chromatic scales, and quick octave leaps into the top register.
Turner’s skill in this work lies in integrating the above named techniques into a melodically and harmonically rich work, and he successfully does so. To get a better impression on how the Quartet no.4 sounds, listen to some samples on the composer’s website.